Viewing bald eagles as they migrate or congregate in wintering areas has become a popular wildlife-watching activity. This page gives tips for identifying eagles on the wing, tells where to see bald eagles in New York, and describes etiquette for safe and protective viewing of these wonderful birds.
Sometimes it's easy to spot a bald eagle. Its striking white head and tail and the sheer size of its wingspan (6 to 7 feet) make it hard to miss. However, it is not until an eagle reaches maturity at about five years that the white plumage develops. Younger (immature) bald eagles are chocolate brown, mottled with white. For this reason, it is important to learn the size, shape and flying posture to correctly identify bald eagles.
As an eagle flies toward you, its wings are held straight out, unlike the more common turkey vulture, which soars with its wings in a V-shape. As the eagle passes overhead, you'll notice that the feathers at the tips of its wings are widely separated. Its relatively short tail is usually fanned open. Eagles can also be recognized by their curved bills, clawed feet and large white tails.
Two species are commonly mistaken for bald eagles. The Greater Black-backed Gull, often seen in the St. Lawrence River area, has a similar dark body with white head and tail, but is smaller than the bald eagle and its posture in flight is very different from the eagle's upright orientation. To avoid mistaking a turkey vulture for an eagle, which is common during spring and fall, watch for the characteristic V-shape of vultures' wings in flight.
Bald eagle viewing during the winter months, from a safe distance and at planned observation sites, can offer an exhilarating and memorable experience. Wintering eagles begin arriving in December, concentrations peak in January and February, and most are heading back to their nests by mid-March. In winter, eagles tend to congregate around areas of open water, especially when cold weather causes ice to form on many open waterbodies. Intensive monitoring and well-documented sightings have helped determine New York's most popular eagle wintering habitats.
The Hudson River, the Upper Delaware River watershed, and sections of the St. Lawrence River provide winter eagle viewing opportunities. Winter eagle-watching has become a popular off-season activity in the Upper Delaware Valley, where DEC works cooperatively with the Delaware Highlands Conservancy and the National Park Service to help visitors find and properly observe wintering eagles. DEC maintains two well-marked viewing areas in the Mongaup Valley on the Rio and Mongaup Falls reservoirs (off NY Route 42). There is an information/observation booth at Mongaup Falls. In recent years, the number of eagles wintering along Onondaga Lake has grown significantly, providing residents of the greater Syracuse area with many opportunities to see both adult and immature birds.
Warning: Harassing, disturbing or injuring a bald eagle is a federal offense and carries a penalty of up to $20,000 and/or one year in jail. Remember that bald eagles should remain undisturbed, and it is important that they conserve energy during the winter months.
The following tips for eagle viewing will help you to have the best possible experience:
Winter is the best time to view eagles, so we suggest these safety and comfort tips:
For the safest and least intrusive bald eagle viewing, we recommend the following Eagle Etiquette:
Not all eagle sightings need to be reported, but certain observations are helpful to us in managing and protecting eagles. Contact DEC's Endangered Species Unit if you see: